Dear clients,
Since our government has categorized the moving industry as an essential niche during the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to assure you that High Quality Moving Company is open for business during our regular work hours. Another important thing to note is that all our employees have been trained and equipped to implement all safety precautions to ensure the prevention of COVID-19 exposure.
Our company is in full compliance with the CDC and WHO recommendations when it comes to any and all needs that are related to moving, packing, and storage. To maintain the health and safety of employees and customers during this state of an emergency, we:
• Practice all CDC, World Health Organization, State, and Federal guidelines in order to prevent contagion in our community.
• Communicate with our employees transparently.
• Place any employees into self-quarantine if even the slightest indications of flu-like symptoms appear.
• Provide gloves (and masks whenever available) for our movers and packers to handle clients' property.
• Regularly wash hands whenever the running water is accessible and use hand sanitizers.
• Follow social distancing recommendations and keep a safe distance of 6-feet-apart from clients.
• Ventilate the working spaces on a regular basis, as much as possible.
• Frequently disinfect often-touched surfaces (door handles, break room areas, restroom surfaces, countertops).
• Clean and sanitize moving trucks after every finished job.
Given the fluidity of this crisis, there are many uncertainties and factors outside of our control that may, with little or no advance notice, impact our delivery of moving & packing services. Please be aware the current crisis could potentially result in small inconveniences such as a delayed project start time or significant inconveniences such as the complete rescheduling of our services.
High Quality Moving Company adheres to the guidelines set forth by authorities and health officials so that everyone would remain safe and healthy during the coronavirus crisis.
We will inform our clients of any possible changes in our work and you are welcome to contact us for any additional information. In the meantime, we pray and hope for a quick end to this entire situation and are at your disposal for any questions or concerns that you might have.
Thank you and stay safe,
High Quality Moving Company

How to coordinate a corporate move

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Moving a business can be a nightmare, especially if you’re the one who has to organize it. There are so many decisions to make and everyone depends on you. But luckily for you, there are many movers Michigan business owners recommend for their business moving skills. These movers can help you greatly, but you’ll still have to plan and organize everything by yourself. Naturally, you’ll want everything to go smoothly since your business is probably your baby. That can create a lot of pressure, especially if this is your first time trying to coordinate a corporate move. But rest assured that you can absolutely do it without much stress if you plan and organize your time well!

When coordinating a corporate move it’s all about dividing the time properly

Organizing a move requires a strict schedule. But to make said schedule, you’ll first have to divide the time you have. Keep in mind that moving a business takes a lot of time. That means that you should start preparations at least 12 months before the actual move. Plan to do things in phases and for phases to each last a few months.

A person making a schedule for a coorporate move.
To coordinate a corporate move successfully it’s very important to come up with a great plan and stick to a strict schedule at all times!

Phase 1 (T minus 12 to 6 months): Corporate move planning stage

Alright, you know you’re moving your business and where you’re moving it, but where to actually start the moving process? Now is not the time for important questions to ask before hiring a moving company, but for questions regarding basic business-moving tasks. This stage is all about letting people know what’s about to happen, making plans, and gathering the basic things you need to make the move happen. Don’t put off this stage no matter how scary or tedious it may seem. Coordinate a corporate move may be hard, but deciding to begin the process is arguably much harder.

During this stage you should be:

  • Gathering and organizing all the necessary documents for the move
  • Evaluating the financial situation and planning a moving budget
  • Announcing the move to your employees and seeing how they feel about it
  • Coming up with a realistic moving plan and schedule, and assigning tasks

If everything goes well, by the end of this stage you will have come up with a reasonable plan and schedule. That is crucial for a successful rest of the move. If everything is on track and your employees are on board, it’s time to move on to tasks like picking trustworthy movers Bloomfield Hills MI residents wholeheartedly recommend and packing up the office.

Phase 2 (T minus 6 to 3 months): Preparation stage

This stage is where things will get done. Now is the time to consider packing services Detroit locals rate highly. Keep in mind that this stage can get very stressful and very overwhelming. Not just for you, but for your employees as well. That’s why you should make sure to keep them in the loop at all times. In general, during this stage, you should:

  • Discuss all of the plans with employees and make sure they know exactly what’s going on
  • Hire expert office movers Detroit has to offer
  • Sort and declutter the office
  • Hire professional packers or pack the office
  • Begin planning a pre-move cleanup
A business owner talking to her employees in a meeting.
Make sure to keep your employees informed!

During this stage, you should complete most of the moving tasks. Anything from packing the whole office, to hiring pool table movers Detroit residents recommend, and anything in between. But if a few tasks are left incomplete after this stage, it’s not the end of the world. Remember, you’ll still have three more months to tie loose ends. Just don’t be too casual. Time flies by quickly when coordinating a corporate move and that’s why you should aim for finishing the majority of moving tasks before the 3-month mark.

Phase 3 (T minus 3 to 0 months): Getting ready and coordinating a corporate moving day

You’re almost done, good job! However, we are sad to let you know that this part can often be most stressful. After all, it all comes down to this. Use this time to finish up everything that needs finishing up. Complete any incomplete tasks, but also don’t forget to plan for the rest of the move. Don’t forget to:

  • Plan the moving day to the t
  • Finish packing the basics that couldn’t be packed before
  • Work closely with movers to make sure everything is going smoothly
  • Supervise your employees to make sure they’re doing things correctly and that they themselves are doing alright
  • Plan for what’s to come after the move
  • Make sure that your new office space is ready to receive shipment
  • Complete pre-move cleaning and start planning post-move cleaning
  • Make sure that both you and your employees are enjoying this change

All this is very important to ensure your moving day will be smooth. However, always keep in mind that not everything can go as well as we’d like. Because of that, try to be at least realistic if not optimistic. Moving a business is extremely hard and some mishaps are bound to happen. That said, as long as most of the things go well and you manage to fix what went wrong, your move will be successful.

A man smiling while working on his office PC.
Make sure to enjoy your business move as much as you can!

Plan well and you’ll be 2021’s best corporate-move coordinator

Trying to coordinate a corporate move is a hard task. But it all boils down to proper planning, dedication to moving tasks, and being there for your employees. However, all this can be hard when you feel like you’re in over your head and very stressed. But we promise that you won’t feel that way if you take it slow, step by step. Stay positive and enjoy this big change that might bring so much good to your business. However, never forget that procrastination can be detrimental in this case. Stay consistent and optimistic, and you’ll move your business with ease!

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