Things you shouldn’t do when moving

Moving – especially moving for the first time – can be quite stressful. There is much that you need to worry about – and often not enough resources where you can learn what to do! This can only lead to more stress! But worry not – High Quality Moving Company is here to help you! In this article, we take a look at the top things you shouldn’t do when moving! Read up to find out more, and learn how to avoid any trouble and stress during your moving process!

Ignore organizing things

When you know that your moving date is upcoming, you will want to organize and categorize everything. This will help you deal with the stress more easily! By creating a moving plan, you will know exactly what steps you need to take. What’s more, you will know what to prioritize, and what you can live without! This way, you will be prepared for anything that may come in your way – and you will find a way to deal with it with ease!

Make sure you organize your move well!

For example, when you are packing your things, planning the process will help you protect your belongings during a move! By doing so – and by doing it on time – you will be able to relax and let things happen to know your items are safe and sound. This might cause some headaches and take some time – but make sure to organize everything. Otherwise, you are dealing with unknowns. Sadly, these are not something you will want to deal with during the process!

So, sit down, grab a piece of paper or an excel sheet, and write down your budget, the timeframe you are working in, your inventory list, the moving companies you plan to call, etc. Write down everything you think you might need, no matter how small it might seem right now. You will be glad you did it as the process goes on!

Holding onto things is something you definitely shouldn’t do when moving

As if the move isn’t already tough – with all that you will need to do – it can also be emotionally draining too. As you pack more things, the cost of your move will raise as well. In order to stop this, you will need to say goodbye to some of your things – and this is where things can get tricky.

It is not necessary to just throw everything. After all, there are some amazing storage units Livonia that you can use when planning your move which will keep your items safe. However, you would be smart to use your move as an opportunity to reevaluate all the items you have, and decide what you will keep – and what needs to go!

Look at your calendar and think about your items.

Luckily, there is a great rule of thumb you can use – the “six-months rule” – as some call it. You can apply it when you are unsure about whether or not you will want to say goodbye to an item. All that you need to do is to recall when you used it last. More than six months means that it will not go with you – less than six months ago means that you can pack it. This way, you can go through your stuff and significantly minimize your packing and moving efforts!

A lot of people make the mistake of trying to cram everything into the moving van. This is bad for multiple reasons. First, the costs of your move will be significant! You will pay for the transport of the items, but more so – on the packing services Detroit, too! And even if you are doing the packing by yourself, you will spend a lot of time packing for the items you might not even use again!

Movers cannot do everything for you!

Another thing that people forget they shouldn’t do when moving is to rely on their movers for everything. Yes, it is true that a professional moving company is there to help you with the experience. Even when you are working with top-quality moving companies, there are still things you need to do. Finding the perfect mover is not a magical solution for every problem! Sometimes, you need to put in the hours as well!

Professionals can help – but only with what you agreed with them to do!

For example, if you did not arrange for packing services, you can’t expect your movers to pack your items. This is why you will need to find the supplies and pack yourself. The same goes for moving insurance! The movers will do their best to protect your items during the move, but you need to secure yourself even more!

The list can go on – and this is why you should plan out your move. What’s more, work closely with your moving company! They can offer valuable advice, and inform you about what they can do for you – and what they can’t!

One of the most important things you shouldn’t do when moving is to do it alone

There is something inherently weird about asking people to help you move. It can be a moving company you do not want to call because you do not know how to deal with them. Or, it might be a friend who you are unsure about asking in fear that they will refuse. One of the most important things that can ease your move is asking for help!

This can be anything – from good advice to actual help while moving long distance. Those with experience know just how tiring the whole process can be. Everything you need to do can be quite overwhelming, and you can feel lost. So, remember that you are not alone – and it’s not a shame asking for help. What’s more, not doing it is easy on the top of the things you shouldn’t do when moving – because it can make your move so difficult! So, grab your phone and contact us today!

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